Naked Lady Golf Tees Are the Perfect Stocking Stuffer

Golf tees are a handy stocking stuffer, perfect for your office Secret Santa, or a great add-on to a more elaborate golf gift. Novelty golf tees can really up the ante for your gift giving this holiday season. So often we give gifts that are neither fun or functional to a recipient. Yes, it is the thought that counts, but if your gift is merely going to take up space, is that really enough thought?

If you are looking for something a little more lively and also useful, though, novelty tees are a fun, present for anyone with a sense of humor.

There are a a few options for novelty golf tees at our website but for true fans of novelty tees, there is only one option that truly makes the most impact. They are the Pièce de résistance of the very idea of novelty golf tees: naked lady golf tees. We're not being cheeky with a clever brand name; these are genuine golf tees in the shape of actual naked women. This is the kind of gag gift that can bring holiday cheer while also giving the kinds of crass, lowbrow laughs many of the men in your life thrill to. 

Whoever is lucky enough to grab these naked lady golf tees is going to be sure to have a blast on the golf course with them. Each shot will be a chance for hilarious hijinx and quality quips.

To recap: Naked Lady Golf Tees are the only gift worth getting for the fun golfer on your holiday shopping list.


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